Kapalama Container Terminal

Piers 41, 42 and 43 in Honolulu Harbor


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Kapalama Container Terminal Gaining Regenerative and Efficient Energy Needs (KCT-GREEN) Project

The Kapalama Container Terminal Gaining Regenerative and Efficient Energy Needs (KCT-GREEN) Project will supplement development of the $600-million Kapalama Container Terminal (KCT) in Honolulu, HI; increase the efficiency, safety, and reliability of goods movement to and from the Hawaiian Islands; reduce the emissions and environmental impacts of port cargo handling operations; establish a truly resilient microgrid-enabled port terminal hub in Hawaii; and develop a replicable strategy for transitioning the terminal to resilient zero-emission and electric technologies. Importantly, the proposed cargo handling equipment, security systems, renewable energy microgrid, terminal and gate infrastructure, facility planning, and port sustainability planning investments proposed for the project will support each of the objectives of the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP).


KCT Green PIDP Narrative – Jan. 2023